Thursday, November 10, 2005

Trixibell Bocht

I discovered to my horror yesterday that The First Irish Exam for Blackhall place takes place on the 12th and 13th of January next year.

So what you ask? The 13th is my birthday. Crap.

I have picked up my booklet for the course from Griffith and will be plodding my way through it all over Christmas. Am not best pleased!


I'm also thinking of getting one of these courses cause my Gaeilge really isn't what it should be, even after 14 years of learning it in school! I mean technically we should all be proficient after that amount of time spent learning a language.

I wish they would start teaching it like a living language not a dead one. I learned more German in 6 years and could hold a half decent conversation in it still, after all this time than I could with Irish. There's something seriously wrong there!


Fiona de Londras said...

Worry thee not - the first irish examination is not hugely difficult and,from my memory of my exam fado fado (six years...ouch) is no great challenge!

Fi said...

I hope so! I'll put the hours in anyway as I don't want to take any chances!