Friday, November 18, 2005

Friday Funtime


Ok funtime this week is another guessing game. This might be an easy one for some but I'm interested in hearing the response anyway.

I took the above shot at home a few weeks ago. Can anyone tell me what album cover this place was featured on?

Trixi points going a begging here!


JL Pagano said...

U2 Unforgettable Fire???

Fi said...

Ahhh you got it in one! It was too easy!
It's our local claim to fame!

JL Pagano said...

I only got it because it's my favourite album of theirs. Here's how old I am - I bought it on VINYL when it was out!

Still, I am glad I earned my Trixi points lol.

Fi said...

It's a mock gothic castle built in the 1800's in Co Westmeath and is beautiful if crumbling!