Monday, November 28, 2005

Play it again Bob...

I saw the legend that is Bob Dylan play live this weekend in Dublin.

He really can't sing anymore , and in fairness to him he was never the best vocalist out there, but it was still really cool to be there in his presence as he croaked out the classics.

It was a very pared down show, red velvet cutains, a band (who were really brilliant) and Bob on a piano facing to the side, croaking away! There was no support and he played for 2 hours exactly. And I enjoyed myself!


We then went and got hammered on Erdinger and I am now sworn off pints for the rest of my life.


Eoin said...

Despite being a pretty anal fan I only went to see Bob for the first time last year. I really wasn't expecting much, I just wanted to see him in the flesh before he croaked, but he was rediculously enigmatic. Like you said, there isn't much left in his lungs but whenever he felt like showboating he did this appallingly camp dance among the musicians. It was somewhere between a punch drunk boxer and an Erasure impersonator. The last thing I expected to see was Dylan dancing and I was in stitches.I'd love to know if he still does it.

Fi said...

that sounds amazing! He didn't move much on saturday and to be honest I was too short to see him the whole time so he could have been doing handstands and I wouldn't have been able to see!

Fi said...

I saw the Scorcese documentary a little while ago on BBC was that the same as the C4 one? It was brilliant! He looked so bored with the whole fame thing or maybe he was just stoned off his head all the time!