Wednesday, November 16, 2005

My life has been consumed by...

I've been playing The Movies obsessively since the Lovely Boy bought it on friday. It has literally taken over my every free moment in the evenings! If I'm not playing my own game I'm helping him voice charcters for his! It's deadly fun!


So far I've created war epics, sci-fi thrillers, comedy's and my latest production is an off the wall romance between 2 vampires who get killed by an avenging priest... Movie magic!!

The aim of the game is to become a movie mogul by setting up running and developing a movie studio from the 1920's onwards. As you move forwards you unlock new technology and features develop new stars and directors and then you have to manage them all! It's great! If you fancy seeing parts of your day just disappear I recommend you invest in this game!

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