Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tribute to Trick or Treaters

It has been brought to my attention that my previous post may have come across as a little negative in relation to the whole Hallowe'en phenomenon, and believe me that's the last thing I intended! I love Hallowe'en I was just a little amazed at the amount to fireworks available last night tis all!

Anyhoo we had a small but friendly group of monsters and super heroes visit us last night which I knocked great sportout of my only complaint being that not enough turned up! I'm going to have to go children hunting tonight to force the remaining sweets and treats on them as otherwise I'll eat them and that's bad for me! Hopefully they won't be too sickened after last night's feast! Though I was assured by one of my visitors last night that there was no doubt he would be very ill and he seemed to relishing the prospect!

Check out the link for cool trick or treat photo's on flickr...


JL Pagano said...

It could be worse, Fi, you could be a Looney Lefty Bleeding Heart Liberal like me! ! ! ;-)

Fi said...

I thought it was very harsh and very much out of the blue. I felt stung how about you?

JL Pagano said...

I never mind people disagreeing with me, since the world would be a pretty boring place otherwise.

However, I don't like the way she did it, and I told her as much. If my views made her "livid", she could at least have shared this feeling with me first by way of a comment on the post in question or an email.

Since she says herself in her own tagline, she IS a "blog virgin", I guess we should let her off.

Just this once, mind you.

Next time I'm kickin her ass all up and down the Blogosphere.

Fi said...

This is curious there has been no response at all and now the post has been deleted... We weren't even mean to her! Ah well it gave me something to mull over yesterday!

JL Pagano said...

I have a conspiracy theory - since she is a trainee journalist, maybe she's working on an article entitled "Bloggers and How To Piss Them Off"?

She actually emailed an apology to me yesterday that was not exactly what I would call the most contrite, but is one I will accept nonetheless.

Fi said...

That's not fair I didn't get one!
Your conspiracy theory did cross my mind as well and I was planning to email her with a few pointers! Maybe she just got out of bed on the wrong side that morning and thought better of it after a cup of coffee!