Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Gym

They have offered us the use of a few gym machines here in work for free, and the opportunity to have an assessment with a personal fitness person to make sure that we were using the gear in the proper way. So I put my name down. I mean free gym use and a session with a personal trainer is not to be sniffed at is it?

So I had my session last night. I have some pain already. I believe the pain should increase and take hold properly about lunch time.

And what did I learn? That I look awful standing in front of mirrors trying not to cry out loud. That I don't like scary weights machines and that realisticly, free or not, I probably won't be able to motivate myself to go there too often.

But I want to get fitter and so I'm going to try. If I mention it again it means I've gone. If I don't it means I've chickened out and this is never to be mentioned again!


JL Pagano said...

Mention what?

Fi said...

right just you wait and see my inate stubborness and unwillingness to be beaten will triumph over my laziness. And I also promise not to lie about it cause I would always know the truth...

Anonymous said...

I always enjoyed going to the gym. It's boring initially but once you get into it and set yourself some goals it can be quite addictive. Haven't been in years though, must go back at some stage.

Fi said...

You see Maca you started out well and then admitted that you fell off the wagon it doesn't fill one with hope!

JL Pagano said...

Maybe your work provides the facilities, but you know what they say...

"There's no such thing as a free crunch"

Boom, boom.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

"then admitted that you fell off the wagon it doesn't fill one with hope!"

What actually happened was that I met a woman ... then changed job where I worked long hours and had no time for the gym ... then moved country ... it was simply a time problem :)