Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Did you know that fireworks are illegal in Ireland?

Hallowe'en has come and gone and so the build up to Christmas will now be thrust into full gear. But I'm not ready for that yet so I'm going to dwell a little longer on Hallowe'en and hope the rest will take care of itself!


I came back to Dublin last night early enough inorder to feed the neighbourhood monsters and protect our house from bangers and such like as is necessary at this time of year. It turns out that we were also treated to the most amazing pseudo professional firework displays throughout the whole night from our kind and law abiding neighbours!

It was, to be honest, stunning in the real and not the figurative sense. I timed one display that lasted for 30 minutes. That's 30 minutes of constant, and simultaneous rockets and what have you going off over our house in a very residential area. That means there were loads and loads of fireworks in the estate. It was all a bit crazy and I felt really sorry for the animals they must have been petrified.

What I really want to know is where do they get them from? Does everyone indulge in cross border trading at this time of the year? Where are the guards? And why can't they be legalised so at least there can be some sort of qulaity control to make sure people won't be hurt unnecessarily? Oh and nearly as importantly how much does it cost to buy enough gear to put the sort of spectacular show that we witnessed last night on? Some people have more money than sense!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The North! Obviously.