Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Things to love about Winter

United Irelander had a little rant yesterday about why he hates winter, which made me think about why I don't hate winter! It's not my favourite season because of the darkness but there are lots of things that make it bareable, and this is my list:

1. Christmas Trees - I love the smell of real christmas trees as they dry out in your living room. I also could watch the flashing lights circuit all day without getting bored!

christmas trees

2. My birthday! It comes after christmas in January and breaks the bleak days of January up very nicely thank you!

3. Extra blankets on your bed - makes the bed clothes heavier and cosier and I always sleep better when I'm all tucked up!

4. Fresh, crisp, bright mornings, where the air feels clean and makes your skin tingle.

5. Snow days! When the country shuts down and you can't feel guilty for not going to school/work cause you live at the top of a very steep hill that it just would be too dangerous to attempt to drive on! I love this country!

6. Cozy winter open fires to warm your toes beside.
cosy fires

7. Hot soup for lunch and porridge for breakfast that as you eat can you can feel warming your tummy. Yum.

8. The stark beauty of the countryside stripped bare and waiting for new growth.
winter trees

9. Hot Whiskeys and or Hot Ports.

10. Wooly jumpers to hide in and cuddle up in, in complete comfort and disregard of whether you have eaten too much lately or not!

So there you go, the days may be getting shorter and darker but it doesn't have to be all bad!


United Irelander said...

But there are two terrible months in Winter - November and January.

Are there more depressing months than those two? I don't think so. :)

Fi said...

No you're right they can be grim it's true but you need to keep positive UI that or go on a long holiday to the sun!