Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm Officially Mad!

I did this psychometric test yesterday which portrays your personality as a movie and I got Platoon! Apparantly I'm an over anxious soldier lost in the jungle of life or something! So I disregarded it and put it down to the fact that I'm so wound up at the minute..

I did it again today for a laugh. This is what it gave me....

I think I'll do this from time to time to remind myself that while there may be no hope for my sanity at least I can make myself laugh!


Anonymous said...

Schinders List I got, doesn't quite fit.

Fi said...

My friend was in the horrors laughing at her result which was Raiders of the Lost Ark (how cool is that?) and had to pass it to a workmate who then got Shindlers List, we laughed at her I'm afraid! That result would freak me out a bit though!

Anonymous said...

I did the "world leader" test also ... Abe Lincoln "mild mannered assassination victim". It just ain't my day today.

Bunny said...

I here you on the sanity thing. Where I to take it I'd likely get some Care Bears movie I'm so totally gone.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, you're the first Irish blogger I've seen. :)

United Irelander said...

I got Platoon too.

I also did the world leader thing that maca did and I turned out to be Albert Einstein! I'm a detached intellectual and my ideas will save or destroy the world.

Apparently I'm "helping to invent the future of mankind".

Damn, that sounds like alot of work...

Oh by the way, thanks for giving me a link fi. I have returned the favour. I like your blog. Very nice. Good to see another female blogger. You're a rare breed. ;)

Anonymous said...

Well, Elke and I did the 27 question test, and got, eh, mixed results. Elke is Schindler's List, not much of a surprise there, and I'm Sunset Boulevard. Apparently I'm a publicity whore who above all else strives to be anything but ordinary. A wanker, in other words.

Ah well.

Love the site Fi, keep it swinging,
