This is Ray D'arcy a DJ on Today FM and a bit of a hero to my generation as he worked on kids telly with infamous puppets and made us all laugh lots. And I spoke to him today!
I was was wandering into work this morning, late, (I had permission to sleep off the hangover from the post rugby drinking session) and they were looking for people to call in who worked in the legal profession so, being still probably a bit drunk I decided to give it a lash, and they picked me! It was the odd one out quiz which means Ray calls out 3 things and you have to pick the odd one out. I got them all right! I couldn't believe it I think I should get drunk more often!
I've won a hoodie and will never take it off as it is the first thing I have ever won in a competition and I'm dead proud of myself!
Ha well done! I have managed to win a couple of things on TodayFM, inlcuding a holiday.
Excellent! You'll have to post a picture of it on the blog when you get it...
Ooooh - what did you win?
Oh I forgot to say! I won a hoodie of some description and will definately post a piccie of it when it arrives!
Well that's exciting! You couldn't get me to open even half an eye in the morning, so I'll have to live vicariously.
Hey well done congratulations, great way to start the morning!
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