Friday, July 15, 2005

The Harry Potter Weekend


I just got an email from my friend who works in a library threatening to tell me who dies in the Half Blood Prince. I'm very upset. If she manages to leak it to me I'll probably kill her. I'm not joking.

I know I'm realtively ancient compared to the target audience for the Harry Potter books but I love them and get such a thrill out of reading a new one! I've even reread the older ones on occassion while bored. Its my secret shame (actually not so secret anymore it seems). And so my weekend will comprise of studying Equity and Property law - I have enough of Tort for the moment, going into town to spend my wages - we get paid mid month here which is very inconvenient as it means I'm broke when everyone else I know is flush, and reading Hary Potter and the Half Blood Prince - which in my nerdy excitement I have pre ordered from Waterstones!


Red Mum said...

My daughter has only a few pages left, she fell asleep holding it, and she has told me how sad it is, but I shouted and screamed and told her under no circumstances to tell me what happens, I on the otherhand am only on page 20, you know the laundry, etc had to be done....

Eabha the Kiwi said...

did you know the pope is aginst harry potter? goggle it!

what a jerk.