Friday, July 22, 2005

Viking Invasion!

Ok so I've overstated my position again but I like the title of this post!


This is a replica Viking ship which is currently docked in Dublin and I got very excited when I spotted it on Wednesday. My phone was low on juice so I had to wait til yesterday to take my piccies so I thought I'd share with the wider world!

I have a postgraduate qualification in Archaeology which I really enjoyed doing, although with hindsight was not a great career move! However I did learn lots and I got to play with the dirt for a year which was fun!

Of all of the archaeology that I covered in that year I still have a huge affection for and interest in Viking history and archaeology. I just like it. The Vikings were advanced, intelligent and a bit mysterious. As such I am waiting with baited breath to hear how the excavations of the Longphort in Woodstown are getting on. This discovery is phenomenally huge and I hope its chocka block with lovely finds!

I remember the day very clearly that I first met the Viking skeleton, which was removed from the site at Heuston station, and is now on display in the National Museum. He is incredibly well preserved and I could not get over the length of him, he must have been welll over 6" in his prime. He was buried in full battle gear complete with helmet (the horns are a work of fiction Vikings never wore horns on their heads the Victorians just felt that they should) shield boss, which is the central metal part of a wooden shield, and a huge sword. He's shit cool.

So here's to the Vikings! My favourite of the conquering nations!

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