Monday, July 18, 2005

Post the Harry Potter Weekend

Well the plan for the weekend went smoothly for once and I did everything that I predicted I would do including spending far too much money on Saturday on stuff I convinced myself I needed (well holidays are fast approaching and I have NOTHING to wear etc etc). So the rest of the month will be spent in abject poverty living off thin air. But at least I have pretty skirts to wear in the sunshine... Oh dear.

On the Harry Potter side of things, I stand before you disappointed. I did my review on the other page so you can check that out if you so wish but the bottom line is that its the weakest of all of the books to date and is in short a filler book. However the story line has been moved on and to be fair I think Rowling has set up the finale to be something very special so all hope is not yet lost!

My so called "friend" who works in a library thought it was very funny to send me text messages all weekend asking did I want to know who died, and threatening to tell me. I found it funny as well but tried to keep the fact from her I don't know who was winding who up in the end, but like I said it was amusing!


Unknown said...

Ah, I disagree with you there; I thought it was much better written and gave much more to the overall story than book 5. I refuse to believe the twist about a certain DADA teacher, though...

Fi said...

Fair enough! I would agree with your scepticism about you know what! I can't bring myself to believe it!

Jenni said...

It's too easy having the teacher turn malevolent so quickly and rashly.

It's almost as if JK Rowling suddenly became drunk and had a fit writing the book.