Thursday, June 30, 2005

Old Grouse

I am turning into an old grouse. I was sitting here at my desk in work thinking about how crap everything is when I realised that I need to get a grip and stop moaning all the time!
Ok so injuries sustained in Tag hurt - but they hurt less then they did yesterday - so get over it.
Alright I'm a bit tired BUT I spent a lovely evening in the company of my wonderful friends last night and then went on to have a very tasty meal with my boy and the family. I'm only tired because I drank too much so I really have no grounds for complaint or being grouchy!
So my job isn't exactly fulfilling but I do manage to sneak study notes in to work, and I have discovered the joy of blogging so its not all negative. Plus it is a means to an end and will put money in my pocket until I am ready to hit the road and then the big time!
It has also stopped raining (for the moment) and the sun is even showing her face so I can no longer claim to be soggy!

I'm going to see War of the Worlds tonight and am looking forward to it - reviews have been cautiously positive so fingers crossed it doesn't suck!
Then its off to Batman Begins on Friday and after that the kids go home and I get my evenings back!! Thats certainly a thought to brighten my day!

I told my friend that I was too apathetic to help look up a nice restaurant for us to meet in next week so I'm going to move my ass and actually do something to help on that score because otherwise I'm just giving in to the negative vibes!

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