Thursday, June 23, 2005

Oh so tired

today has been a brief return to reality before the fun and frolicks begin again! I am dead on my feet after the wild celebration of my little brothers graduation to doctorhood and of course my own little success in the old exams!
The graduation was brilliant I can't believe he is now licensed to cut people open... its a bit disturbing to be honest! Apparantly he's great at surgery because his thumbs and fingers are mightily dextrous from years of playing with game boys, as a result he has been sought out to use the grippy arm things for key hole surgeries! Isn't that cool?- anyway the lesson there is that there is a point to a misspent teenagehood! He doesn't want to be a surgeon though he wants to be a paediatrician because he gets on great with kids and can really get down to their level! Its true too I think he'd be great at it!!! I still can't believe he's a doctor.... Maybe I never will!
Galway is just amazing I have fallen completely in love with the place over the past two days and its top of my list of places to move to once I'm completely finished with Dublin. I wish I was still there now its so laid back and pretty and the people seem so much friendlier than here and there was craic and laughter everywhere you went with people taking it easy as they did it! Its the way life should be lived instead of the constant rushing and hassle we have to endure here just to get from A to B!
On yet another note myself and my 2 siblings along with the lovely boy are trotting off to Croke park for the first of the Irish U2 Concerts! I can't wait! Snow patrol are supporting and a crowd called the Radiators who I haven't heard much about before. But regardless it should be a great gig. If it isn't I don't think I'll ever get over the disappointment as I've waited my whole life to see them live and even paid the fan club fee this time to make sure I got tickets. I know some people have a problem with that but I think its fair enough and the ticket made a great graduation present for the young doctor, so I'm happy. I think my 15 yr old sister is about to explode with excitement at the prospect of the gig tomorrow and that too is worth its weight in gold!!
I will give a full review of the gig on the othere site of course but it may be monday before I get to a machine so it'll have to wait til then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey bird, enjoy the gig. Am oh so jealous! You'll have a ball. And congrats on the exam results, you must be on Cloud 9. Big hugs from across the Atlantic. xxxElke