Thursday, June 09, 2005

Mid week consumption of alcohol

Is bad for your health. I'm knackered! I met a friend last night for a good old fashioned girly chin wag full of screeching and giggling... Yes we were those annoying women that tend to turn up in restaurants and pubs making loads of noise and wantonly annoying other patrons! I don't do it often and while I hate being subjected to it by others its kind of liberating when you are indulging in the screaming yourself! I'm over exaggerating slightly but I reckon the volume was definately up to 8 rather than the usual 5!
However good food was eaten and very nice wine was consumed and although it wasn't a very late night it was well past my usual bed time by the time I made it home. You see I couldn't go home until after the game was over between Ireland v the Faroe Islands as I would just have annoyed the boy with my drunken questions and frequent trips to the loo and so it was that I had to stay out and drink more. Don't you just love logic?
Anyway I'm suffering now and I still have to drag my ass to Yoga, race home, shower and change and head back out to go see Sin City at 9.00pm! Oh Crap...

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