Friday, June 03, 2005

Chocolate Biscuits

Are very yummy. I've just had three! And feel very full and happy... I won't be happy when I get on the scales next week but hey who cares it's another Bank Holiday!
We are heading west this weekend and the only care I have is that the roads are safe. I was listening to frightening statistics this morning on Morning Ireland. 5 people died this time last year but there were over 90 people injured. When I think of the kind of injuries that can be as a result of a car accident it just makes my blood run cold. The thing is though no matter what advertisements they put out there or how many chilling statistics they shove at us I will be guaranteed to meet at least 5 gobshites misbehaving this weekend.
I consider myself to be a good driver. I don't speed as I don't believe it gets me where I want to go any quicker. I definately would never drink and drive and I make sure that I'm aware of what is going on around me. But that is still no guarantee that somebody else taking the piss won't crash into me.
Mind you if I applied that logic and lived my life by it I wouldn't eat chocolate biscuits or ever set out on a road journey and that would make life pretty boring! SO I guess the moral of this story kids is just do what you feel is right and enjoy life to the full cause you just can't depend on anything...

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