

It would appear that I have survived the last of my DIT exams and with a bit of luck I should have a legal qualification very soon. They weren't bad as exams go, it was the learning bit that drove me demented!
The above 3 pictures best describe how I felt over the last week or so. It's definately a relief as even if I don't finish with the FE's this time round I have achieved something tangible from the efforts of the last 2 years and that's a good feeling. Oh maybe I'm being a bit pre-emptive results aren't in yet but having sat 12 exams in the last 15 months (!what the fuck!) I have an instinct about these things now!
Overall it was probably a good thing to have a bit of a practice run at this stage, I have a better idea of what I need to do for October and so after tonight, which I am taking off to watch the big game (cue nail biting and nauseousness) it's back to the grindstone on Thursday! Oh joy...
Well done - you must be relieved! Want to meet for lunch tomorrow?
Maith an chailĂn Fi! Well done to ya.
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