Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Trouble with Kate

I just can't resist adding my 2 cents to the debate concerning Kate Moss "The SuperModel" which is all over the media at the moment.

Why the hell does anyone care if she takes cocaine or not? Why is anyone at all surprised that she does drugs? Does she not go out with the gobdaw Pete Doherty, a singer by profession apparantly but I have yet to see any evidence of that talent, who seems to be officially known as a drug user and all round bad boy?


Are the British Media really serious when they talk about Moss being a role model? Surely a woman who was made famous for epitomising "Heroine Chic" is not by any stretch of the imagination an appropriate role model for any young woman.

What is she only a clothes horse? A well paid, over indulged, probably very boring one at that. I don't think Supermodels are reknowned for their intelligence, wit or charm, and if they are then I appologise and the industry needs to get a better marketing strategy!

I know I'm only adding to the stupidity of this story by commenting on it here but the whole thing has appalled me. I'm all for silly gossip pieces in Hello magazine, or Now or whichever publication you chose to indulge in, but those stories have a place there and it has really ticked me off to turn on every single news channel and talk show and see this story as the headline. I hope it dies off soon and I don't have to hear anymore about it!

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