Ratty died in work recently. No one mourned his passing becuase no one realised he was a work colleague until he started to smell.
We can't use the air conditioning until he decomposes and there are no ratty taker awayer people who are willing to pull the ceiling apart to find his corpse.
It's disgusting and although the stink hasn't reached me yet I feel sick just thinking about it. The fact that he was in the building at all is a step to far in my mind.
When I was a teenager I took the bin out for my mother one winter's evening. We live in the country and had no domestic pets at that time and were having a wee problem with rodents. When I opened the lid of the wheelie bin the most gigantic rat ever lept out at me. It was about a foot long and its tail was twice that. I was lucky it didn't land on me and bite me, but it was close. I have a hatred of them since then which is not borne of squemishness, just fear.
Uuruuggghhhhh while I know that living in a city you are never far away from a rat, its still urggghhhh..
I wouldnt be happy with that at all... Poor you!
It has become more unpleasant today as the stench has reached the reception desk and area. It's a matter of running to the loo with your breath held and the same on the way back. I can't see it getting any better in the short term either and I'm completely freaked out...
That is so weird. Just posted blog about dead mice and then read your site, Fi. Is it Rodent suicide season or summat? Would the maintenance people not deal with it? A rat died under the floorboards of my brother's room. Luckily he was in Oz at the time so we just kept the door closed and the windows open!!!!
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