Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Abandoned and Broken

There has been a distinct lack of blogging of a substantial nature recently due to my broken ear. I've been lying in my own filth at home scratching and moaning about the pain in my head since Friday evening, and although I am back at work today, that is due to the fact that everyone else has buggered off out of the country and left little old me to fend for myself. It is now 9.45 a.m. and I've been shouted at twice on the phone already. Neither of the said shouting episodes were due to my incompetence I must add, but it seems that it is going to be one of those days!

The upside of the broken ear saga is that I slept a lot over the last 3 days. I sat on the sofa a lot as well. And I did absoloutely no reading or writing.

As a result my plans for finishing the last few topics in tort that remain fell completely by the wayside and most surprisingly instead of being uptight and unhappy about the state of affairs I find myself in I don't actually give a crap! I have enough done at this stage to get me through the exams and what I have remaining to do will be done before a crisis of any nature occurs! This is me being philosiophical! It feels good.

The other upside is that I will be finished in 3 weeks time! Hopefully for good and that gives me the drive I need to just get on with it!

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