Monday, January 02, 2006

Welcome to 2006

Well here I am supposedly studying extracts from An fiche blian ag fás so that I can reproduce them next week in both Irish and English when I discover that the computer in the office that I'm using is a) on and b) attached to the internet. Bingo! Of course I had to stop by and have a little look at my pride and joy and sure while I'm at it write a little post as well!

Christmas has been brilliant. I was at home with my folks for 8 lovely days, lying around in front of the fire, ignoring the world and watching dvd's and reading books it was glorious. I am presently in the south west of the country with the lovely boy's lovely family doing much the same as I did with my own lot, except I now have to break the reverie to start thinking about the blasted Irish exam! Ah well having now studied the papers and notes that I have I realise that it's not that bad and with a bit of effort and my super recall powers all should be well!

I'm glad that 2005 is now behind us and the new year is finally here. I feel that it promises to be a really memorable and positive one for me and the boy and I am more excited about the possibilities that are open to us now than I have been for a very very long time. I think we may be about to turn a corner and we shall reap the rewards of our hard work. Well here's hoping anyway, we're certainly going to try! If all goes to plan things will be very different for us from now on. Leaving home on New year's eve I was struck with a sad feeling that Christmas may well be a different experience for me from now on, but there's no harm in that everything can't stay the same forever and change is good, most of the time! It's just a bit weird and scary when I think about it, but I think we all dread change even if it is for the better.

Well that's it for now if I wander back this way I'll drop in again! In the meantime Happy New year and new beginnings to one and all!


Paige A Harrison said...

Nicely put. I'm always struck by how change can be so exciting that it is frightening! Happy New Year to you.

Jay said...

Your holiday sounds blissful. I hope 2006 is everything you're imagining, and more.