Monday, December 19, 2005

Tag! I'm it!

Mish has tagged me with a very thought proving meme which I feel obliged to answer. It has to do with weird habits and took some careful consideration by me before I decided to answer it. I would also like to point out that I haven't looked at anyone else's answers yet so these answers are entirely my own!

The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

No.1 I need to have a choice of shampoos with which to wash my hair with at all times. My theory is that if you swop around the brand every wash my hair remains shiny and soft otherwise the product builds up and makes it dull and sticky. I don't know if its true or not but it has become one of my compulsions!

No.2 I try to avoid killing spiders and small creatures as I have a fear that karma really does exist and I would prefer to err on the side of caution. Generally I make a half hearted attempt to drown the spider in the bath, fail, and then release him into the wild when the fear of karmic retribution hits me!

No.3 Whenever I use my hair straightners I spend the rest of the day obsessing about whether I've plugged them out or not, even if I have checked that they were in fact plugged out about 40 times before I left the house.

No.4 I used to play a game with my food when I was little which involved building a kingdom in my tummy of kings and queens, princes, princesses and subjects. The game involved piling a little of every type of food on my plate onto my fork to create the king and queen and then varions combinations of the types of food to create the other characters. As a result I still do this however subconsciously, and, yes I realise how ridiculous it is.

No.5 I cannot sleep in a room where the bed is between a window and a door. This again stems from my childhood where my overactive imagination reasoned that if monsters were to attack me and came through the door then I could battle them with my back to the wall, however if they also could come through the window and get me from behind, then I was screwed! I also think that it comes from time I spent in hospital when I was very small. I was in isolation in a room with 2 windows which were opposite each other and a door on the same wall as the internal window, it made me feel very insecure and vulnerable, as people were constantly observing me, yet I couldn't move.

So there you go, I should probably be under observation for mental instability but I keep it well covered up most of the time!

I now tag

Red Mum
Steve and Elke

Which is my quota of 5!


Anonymous said...

Aha! I knew there were other people out there with crazy compulsions like my own. Funny :)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of karma, this would be my favourite quote on the subject:

"I believe in Karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve it" - Dogbert

Eoin said...

All of those seem very reasonable to me. I'm sure you'd find that most people would identify with the sleeping arrangement rules. I'm sure there's something other mind game you're not telling us about, you can't be that normal.

Fi said...

I'm strangely put out by that Eoin, though I guess I should be relieved!

Eoin said...

Well don't be put out, I was just trying to get you to come out with something a bit more demonic. But you didn't crack. You don't strike me as normal anyway, not in the sense of being conventional; I'm basing this mainly on the fact that Elke says she likes you.

Fi said...

It's a fair cop gov I'm not particularly conventional or unconventional I'm just me! We have a saying at home "What's normal anyway?" And I like to live my life to that rule! I draw the line at demonism however! As for Moose she and I are kindred spirits and that's all I'll say on the matter!

Eoin said...

Everybody needs a bit of demonism at Christmas time.

Emma in Canada said...

Number one is true! I saw it on Oprah, and you know everything you see on Oprah is fact. But I think it's safe to use a full bottle and then change it after that.

Fi said...

Eoin, I fear for your children, whenever they arrive.
Thanks for that Emma if Oprah does it then it's not even weird! I think I just like smelling differently every day as well and use the other reason as an excuse to validate my urge!

Fi said...

mmm what I have learned from this exercise is that I'm not as weird as I like to think I am. Although I do challenge anyone to admit to having a kingdom in their tummy too!