Sunday, February 19, 2006

Busy busy busy

I know I've been a little off with the blogging thing lately but believe me I am contributing here whenever I can it just doesn't seem to be happening very regularly at all. So I'm sorry.

Life has become very busy very suddenly for me and the lovely boy! The change of job has also had a huge impact on me not least for the fact that I don't have internet access anymore but also because unlike in my last job I'm busy and I'm learning stuff and it's good for me to experience that again as the last place I worked in was a far cry from the reality of life.

On the home front we are preparing our house for sale and next weekend we are heading out of Dublin to view houses in areas that we think we might like to live in. And I'm very excited about it all! Our current house needs very little work done but even the act of decluttering (I'm a hoarder I'm afraid!), refreshing paint work, weeding and cleaning takes time, effort and energy, which is leaving very little of anything for me to use to express myself here.

However saying that I am really missing my blog. I miss thinking about stuff and then putting those thoughts into words and commiting them to a medium. Today I've been working on the house all day and was feeling a little blue as it's sunday and I hate the thought of having another week of working and not moving to face into, but after spending a little time here I feel better already! So I am going to keep the blog up but it may only be a post once or maybe twice a week. But for me that will be better than nothing!

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