Unlike her more slutty friends, who have been serial snogging young greasy child-men for the last few years, she has taken a more discerning approach to boys. She has her standards and she's been sticking to her guns! I didn't show the same restraint myself I'm ashamed to admit but applaud her and her principles! Besides I've seen the crowd she hangs out with, and can see her point!
But anyhoo it was with delight that I received a text from lil sis in which she wanted to inform me that she was going on a date, that the boy was reallllly nice nice (which I take is a good thing) and she was very excited/happy.
Oh joy thought I she's off the mark!
But really there is very little justice in the world, the poor chicken is now laid up at home with an enlarge spleen and, wait for it....

The unluckiest teenager
Glandular fever.
All you can do is laugh! And bless her she does see the funny side of it too!
Unlike her more slutty friends, who have been serial snogging young greasy child-men for the last few years
This made me laugh so hard :)
Poor thing. Although, when I was that age, I came down with mono, and a certain boy I knew came to visit every day. I was mostly delirious, but I have good memories (oddly enough) of that disease.
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